Tuesday, August 18, 2009

va sarut pe toti
Hello...Antalyan people...what's new in your summer holiday?

Made a Facebook account yesterday thanks to Sue!

I don't know, but it seems to me that there still isn't much active use of Antalya Blog. Or people are just busy. There seems more traffic in Facebook.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Please fill in the table!!!

Hello everyone!

I'm finally here, for the first time after the course, in our course homepage and course blog. Took a wild. Went to our course Wiki, too. Only 3 (plus me) people have filled in Aysikyl's table. Actually, it took me some time to find it ... So, I think that people don't know where, why and how. Here's the link: http://mmcisaac.pbworks.com/Ay%C5%9Feg%C3%BCl

Hope that by Xmas we have a full table (useful to send Xmas card, for example).

Have a nice on going summer!

I miss you!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Hello everyone
Sorry to write so late, but back home things got to reality...and as I am moving to a new house everything is overwhelming-packing, cleaning, getting electricity fixed, queuing etc., so when thinking to Antalya is like escaping-into memories- and getting a moment of tranquility. I hope to come back to Antalya sometime in the future and to discover the paces Susan was talking about.I think they are really wonderful, and also Marina told about the underwater cities.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How to make Turkish kebap

I tried it once, it was really delicous and my family loved it . All the ingredients are easy to get, even in northern Europe.
fresh fillet of beef (appr. 100 gr per person)
olive oil
red pepper
cayenne pepper
Turkish bread (if available)
tomato sauce
jogurt sauce

Cut the meat in thin slices and put it in a marinade made of olive oil, mashed garlic, red pepper, cayenne pepper, oregano. Keep the meat covered with plastic for 3 hours in the fridge. Springle salt over it before frying in olive oil. Make sure that all the sides of the meat are cooked which should take 5 - 6 mins.
Serve the kebap with Turkish bread, vegetables if you like, jogurt sauce, tomato sauce and salad.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Experiences in Antalya

Hi everbody,
I had a very good time in my last days in Antalya. I did the Alanya Tour which lasted 12 hours and was very interesting. They showed us worthseeing places, like Perge, the ancient city which has a hellenistic theatre, ruins that remain on streets, shops, baths and gates. We also visited Aspendos Theatre and had a lunch break near beautiful waterfalls. In Alanya we went to the museum, some caves and a castle. Finally we went to Side which also has historical places. At first I was a bit worried about the tour, the guide and all the other people spoke only Turkish. Later it turned out, that one of them was a retired German teacher. So I was very glad to have someone who translated and helped me. The other days I went swimming and shopping. At the hotel I met other English teachers who did a seminar there.
In my last night there was a fire in the hotel. I heard noises and a man knocked at my door telling me that I have to go out quickly. With few personal belongings I ran out and saw fire fighters. The fire was on the second floor. Fortunately the fire fighters could extinguish the fire soon and we went back to our rooms. I still had smoke and smell in my room, so I spend the rest of the night near the swimming pool trying to get some sleep. As I was told the fire was caused from electric wires. However we all knew, in what the conditions in the hotel was and I wondered that there wasn't a fire alarm. at all. Although this was a bit disappointing, I really enjoyed it and will come back to Turkey for sure.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

There is no place like home

It was great to visit Antalya one more time. I spent wonderful days studying and having fun. I came home faster than arriving to Turkey. I missed my family and pets. They missed me too. I had to weed my flower garden, cut grass and pick berries. Much work?? I am used to do it. Do you?
It is hot in Lithuania (>30 C). Can you believe?? Chill out! It's summer :-)


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Meral email

Merabah Meral, I forgot to get your email address can you send it to me please.

Home safely

Hi everyone, just letting you all know that I got back to London safely and am back at work. It does feel a bit strange. Enjoy your holidays.


Home safe?

I hope you have all had good journies back home?

Gorusuruz - speak soon


(Team 1/'A' team)

Friday, July 10, 2009



Group 1 - Derya (leader), Sue and Gıedré


It's our turn

How difficult to make a connection between the magic of a seminar and the reality of classroom experience?
How not to forget all these experiences?
We will have to stay keep in touch with each other electronically to

-support each other
-help each other technically
-share our positive and negative experiences on the group blog
-not be shy of mailing our resource teachers (Marina and Hakan :))

We think it is important to remind our colleques systematically that our new knowledge has been made possible by the European Commission (so few of them have applied for this session)

About our experiences of this seminar:
The seminar somehow ignores the fact that so few computers are available in our school and we think that the commission should urgently do something about that!
But apart from that the information that was given to us was realistic and applicable.

We think that in future the names of the sessions should be more specific and the contents should be defined more clearly so as to avoid any misunderstanding, so that we know in advance exactly what we can expect from the session.

We all liked the seminar and we had wonderful experinces and met with different people having the similiar occupation and had time to share our problems and discuss solutions.



The fun sıde - the activities programme... GROUP 1

The Turkish night with 'zenne'

Tasting the different kinds of Turkish food

Doing lots of shopping

Getting new job offers in aquapark :))

Feeling the adrenaline in rafting and improving our muscles and a few of us showed the bravery -or madness + swimming in one of the rapids:))

Learning that we can have a second life- both in a virtual and real life :))

Finding out that the ESL/EFL teachers can also be good singers like Daniel, Kerem and Marika (the future teacher) and of course be good artists as perfectly proved on the first day with the portraits of our friends:))

Going down with the 'asansör' (elevator) and discovering a wonderful place


Facebook is a tool that students have been using on a personal level. I wouldn't use it in classes as we cannot access it in school for security reasons.

Safety is also an issue to take into account when planning teaching activities and the web is a jungle ... in which children can easily become the prey...


Discussion of sessions - Group 6

The sessions on web 2.0 technology have been very useful. We have learnt that there are different ways of communicating using new technology. these ways are also user friendly for children and can be used in the classroom.

  • As a group we think that wiki is very useful as a collaborative and interactive programme. It encourages group work - children working together.
  • Flickr - a fun way of learning, especially for children who may find it difficult to use their imagination. It is an enjoyable way of learning.
  • Delicious - an excellent way of organising important websites especially for someone who wants quick and useful references.

We can use all of the above wıth colleagues.

In the classroom:

  • Teachers can post links for children to access homework etc.
  • Flickr is more useful for younger children e.g. teacher writes sentences for children to copy and find pictures to match.
  • Nursery children work with the teacher to find pictures to go with the words.
  • Blogging helps to improve writing skills and teachers can easily give feedbacks.

NB: For security reasons children are not allowed to access and use some these websites.

Expectations - before and after- GROUP 1

Derya was mostly interested in how to use 'blogging' and how to implement in prep school; also to get rid of the traditional teaching methods and create new oppurtunities and facilities for my students through the use of Web 2.0 technologies.
Sue works as an I.C.T teacher ın England but has a basic T.E.S.O.L. certificate. so interested in developping EFL side of teaching as well as creating new classroom resources using Web 2.0 technologies.
Gıedre was interested in making shorter list of good sites. Working in a basic school I will be able to use bookmarks and find new useful information using Web 2.0

Our aspiratıons for the future:
Derya, Sue and Giedré (all agree): Firstly we have made a new network of friends within the E.E.C. which will enable us to diversify our teaching. We are particularly looking forward to developing e-twinning projects back in our own countries with our new friends. New skills learnt on Wiki Educator such as creating online work spaces and blogs are skills that can be taken back to the classroom. Delicious was a great discovery because it adds a sociable, networking dimension to bookmarking favourite websites. Above all, many of these new skills will save us time and our stored online with automatic back-ups!

Linking to our Wiki workspace- GROUP1


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Just a humble opinion ( by Reyalda - Group 4 )

We do think this course has been a unique experience from the point of view of using the internet in an educational context. We have discovered the use of wikies, bookmarks and blogs, and other programmes such as flickr or second life avatar.
Also, from the socıo-cultural perspective the course has been a great experience because we've had the chance to meet teachers from other countries, which is good, as it helps us know how they work and how educatıonal systems are and also make arrangements for future European projects.
Also, being this the first COMENIUS course celebrated in Turkey, we do consider important the opportunity we've had to know how Turkish people lıve and work, and of corse their delicious food and wonderful music. This could serve as our humble contrıbutıon to let everybody in Europe know that Turkey should be integrated ınto the EU as a part of the big European family.


  1. The most remarkable experince that we got from the course is the fact that we got acquainted with the wikis,blogs,bookmarking etc.
  2. The next important thing to mention is that these sites offer us the possibility to exchange useful information among our colleagues.
  3. From the cultural point of view we can say that we know others' culture a lot better.
  4. We will also be able to initiate our students in the new IT programs in the ESL classroom.
  5. The social activities we were involved in have helped us establish future collaborative partnerships.
  6. We will always remember the pleasure of being together in Antalya and the memories.
Bookmarkıng ıs helpful as we get the chance to buıld a resource , a data base about the things we are interested in and have a quick access to them and keep them into the archieve.


An excellent way of organising websites of interest instead of using my favourite. We can share with other colleagues.


avatar languages - UNBELIEVABLE

I think this will really motivate my students. I recomend every teacher to do thıs at least once a term.


You are all great!

well in Antalya

All is well that ends well...in Antalya!





Using Flickr is a fun way of learning especıally for children who may find it difficult to use their imagination. It is an enjoyable way of learning that pictures worth a thousand words.

pim pam püm !!!

pim !!!
PAM !!!!!!
PÜM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Comenius equipe

Sue thought she had found her dream man!

Marıka wıth her bıg sıster, Natalya.
That was May 09 on tour wıth TVHC and new frıends from Bracknell Hockey Club on tour as Tandorıs (Worthıng - May 09)

To add a pıcture, browse the folders to fınd a suıtable jpeg on your UBS stıck ın thıs case the g drıve!
Test post - now lets see how thıs works? Sue Varga

A joke

A beautiful young woman, on an international flight, asked the priest beside her, "Father, may I ask a favour?"
"Of course you may. What can I do for you?"
"Well, I bought this expensive electronic hair dryer that is well over the Customs limits and I'm afraid that they'll confiscate it from me. Is there anyway that you could carry it through Customs for me? Under your robes perhaps?"
"I would love to help you, dear, but I must warn you: I will not lie."
"With your honest face, Father, no one will question you."
When they got to Customs, the young lady let the priest go ahead of her.
The Customs Officer asked, "Father, do you have anything to declare?"
"From the top of my head down to my waist, I have nothing to declare."
The Officer thought this answer strange, so he asked, "And what do you have to declare from your waist to the floor?"
"I have a marvelous little instrument designed to be used on a woman, but which is, till date, unused."
Roaring with laughter, the Officer said, "God bless you, Father, go ahead."
" So never lie.. but Use your mind "

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Welcome to our Workshop Blog.

How was the evening at the Antalya City Center?