- As a group we think that wiki is very useful as a collaborative and interactive programme. It encourages group work - children working together.
- Flickr - a fun way of learning, especially for children who may find it difficult to use their imagination. It is an enjoyable way of learning.
- Delicious - an excellent way of organising important websites especially for someone who wants quick and useful references.
We can use all of the above wıth colleagues.
In the classroom:
- Teachers can post links for children to access homework etc.
- Flickr is more useful for younger children e.g. teacher writes sentences for children to copy and find pictures to match.
- Nursery children work with the teacher to find pictures to go with the words.
- Blogging helps to improve writing skills and teachers can easily give feedbacks.
NB: For security reasons children are not allowed to access and use some these websites.
Thanks to all three of you in your group for your hard work and valuable insights.