Friday, July 10, 2009

It's our turn

How difficult to make a connection between the magic of a seminar and the reality of classroom experience?
How not to forget all these experiences?
We will have to stay keep in touch with each other electronically to

-support each other
-help each other technically
-share our positive and negative experiences on the group blog
-not be shy of mailing our resource teachers (Marina and Hakan :))

We think it is important to remind our colleques systematically that our new knowledge has been made possible by the European Commission (so few of them have applied for this session)

About our experiences of this seminar:
The seminar somehow ignores the fact that so few computers are available in our school and we think that the commission should urgently do something about that!
But apart from that the information that was given to us was realistic and applicable.

We think that in future the names of the sessions should be more specific and the contents should be defined more clearly so as to avoid any misunderstanding, so that we know in advance exactly what we can expect from the session.

We all liked the seminar and we had wonderful experinces and met with different people having the similiar occupation and had time to share our problems and discuss solutions.



1 comment:

  1. Dear Group 2, at least I think you are Group 2. Thank you for your perceptive comments. I agree with your observations. I think if we could get the information from all participants early, we would know their level of experience with the different applications and we could be more precise ahead of time about what, exactly, we will do. This time, since it was the first, we had to adapt to the general level of skills once people arrived. We will work on your suggestions for the future. Thanks for your input and I look forward to seeing your collaborative efforts in the future.
